Month: February 2023

All New CultPOP 13 – DC Comics 5G, What Could Have Been!

JD and the CultPoppers chat about : What was DC Comics planning for their huge “5G” Initiative, what could have been?

Take a listen and then feel free to comment below if you agree or disagree, or email us at!

You can find JD’s stuff at: and tweet at him @jdsherocomplex

You can also help support this show at

You can find Noel Bartocci on Twitter at mrbartocci

To leave us a VOICE MESSAGE, click on the  bright red bar on the right of this site and use your computer’s microphone to leave us a message, up to 90 seconds!

or if there are earlier episodes that aren’t listed in the player, feel free to subscribe on iTUNES! Every single delicious episode of CultPOP! Podcasts can be found on iTunes, and every future eppy will automatically download once it is posted! xoJD!

All New CultPOP 12 – James Gunn’s DCU

JD and the CultPoppers chat about : James Gunn’s DCU Announcements!

Take a listen and then feel free to comment below if you agree or disagree, or email us at!

You can find JD’s stuff at: and tweet at him @jdsherocomplex

You can also help support this show at

You can find Noel Bartocci on Twitter at mrbartocci

To leave us a VOICE MESSAGE, click on the  bright red bar on the right of this site and use your computer’s microphone to leave us a message, up to 90 seconds!

or if there are earlier episodes that aren’t listed in the player, feel free to subscribe on iTUNES! Every single delicious episode of CultPOP! Podcasts can be found on iTunes, and every future eppy will automatically download once it is posted! xoJD!

A New Show: Fresh Floppies 001 – Superman, Blue Book, Black Adam, Captain Britain, & more

CultPop Presents the inaugural episode of our brand new podcast, Fresh Floppies. Listen as we discuss some of the comics out THIS WEEK. Only the freshest of floppies, spoiler-free. It’s perfect to play on this week’s trip to your LCS

Take a listen and then feel free to comment below if you agree or disagree, or email us at!

You can help support this show at

or if there are earlier episodes that aren’t listed in the player, feel free to subscribe on iTUNES! Every single delicious episode of CultPOP! Podcasts can be found on iTunes, and every future eppy will automatically download once it is posted! xoJD!