Johnny Destructo, Mark_L_Miller aka Ambush Bug and Rob Patey aka Optimous Douche review this week’s books: Avengers 01, Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost 01, Dc Nation 0, Death or Glory 01, and Coda 01!
Take a listen and then feel free to comment below if you agree or disagree, or email us at!
- 01:55 – email (saintsaucey)
- 07:45 – Avengers 01 (Marvel) w. Jason Aaron, a. Ed McGuinness, i. Mark Morales
- 24:15 – Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost 01 (Marvel) w. Charles Soule, a. Matteo Buffagni, c. Jim Charalampidis
- 39:10 – Dc Nation 00 (DC) w. Tom King, Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson, a. Clay Mann, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Jorge Jimenez,
- 01:03:20 – Death or Glory 01 (Image) w. Rick Remender, a. Bengal
- 01:12:50 – Coda 01 (Image) w. Simon Spurrier, a. Matias Bergara
You can find JD’s stuff at: and tweet at him @jdsherocomplex
You can find Mark at and @mark_l_miller
You can find Optimous Douche at
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